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Shabbas on your own

It all begins with Kabblat Shabbat. How will you let go of the week and enter the spaciousness of Shabbas? Perhaps you can invite friends to a zoom dinner? Light candles, drink wine, make a special dinner? Plan a hike in the woods, go for a swim, sing along with your favorite Spotify stream? Bake Challah? Ignore your cell phone and your computer for 24 delicious hours. Refresh; Relax; Re-JEW-venate yourselves and your community, in whatever way you can!

Here are some links for resources:

Friday night siddur includes the blessings for the candles, for Shabbas, for the coming of the evening, and so much more.

August 5

Anti-Racism Signage: come together to make lawn signs for RhM and your homes!

August 12

Torah Study for all!